About Me
"i wish i was an artist. what would it be to paint a memory exactly as you saw it? to capture it with ink or oils, to keep it forever and never forget?" -feb. '06
i'm a writer, a poet.
i keep a written journal, as well as a constantly up-dated blog on myspace. i do not speak well, and often would rather write than say things aloud, so the written word fascinates me.
i write mostly by feeding off of whatever is going on in my life, or some emotion i am experiencing, and often write metaphors, sometimes even riddles. a lot of my writings are focused on the self, rather than events.
i over-use commas. and i apologize for that.
someday i hope to do something amazing, like win the Pulitzer Prize or something...i want my life to be worth remembering, when it's over.