I try to halt us from progressing, from degressingthis kind of love can’t be good for us at allyou’re wasting your feelings in sex and swe..
This is bad but I don't care I'm pissed off
When the person who is supposed totrust you,want you,need you,and love you unconditionally throws you away,tears you up,ceases to care,moves on,forget..
Haven't uploaded a piece in 5ever
I’m sorry I’m not your princess.I’m sorry I don’t fit your standards.I’m sorry I don’t want to fill your standards..
I stared up into his big brown eyes. The ones that I had seen or thought of at least every day of my life. The air was still and everything was perfe..
I get that you're depressed.It's kind of hard not to be depressed actually.Everyone is cruel.Humans are awful.No one understands you.But why would you..
I hate this affect you have on me,how weak you can make me just by saying three words.I hate howvulnerableI am around you,how awkward I can be.I hate ..
You used to be able to smile.You used to be so good at pretending.But now you're just so weak.You're crumbling down likehow you've always feared.The r..
I wanna be perfect.I wanna be the type of perfectthat you see in magazines and on the TV.I wanna look like her-the girl in the red dress,with the long..