It's a villanelle. :)
Topsy,turvy, all around.
The grass overhead, the sky is the ground.
Flips and turns, so abound.
My entire world reared upside down.
Shoes on hea..
Your eyes, Your eyes
They've changed so much
since says when we were new
Your eyes, Your eyes
Turned shades of gray
From their once lightened blu..
i wrote this fun little poem in social studies today because it was snowing (in october!) and i felt like writing.
i hope you like it :)
I wrote this very spur of the moment, so I'll probably come back and edit it later.
I was given an assignment to write a story consisting of myself and my opposite on a subway that stops in a tunnel, and so came about this story...
A new mother lies awake in her bed
With her new baby lying in her arm.
She would give anything to keep her from harm.
She would give her life to sa..
It's a sunny Monday afternoon,
as I sit here in my eighth period class.
On my mind is nothing but you,
and how you're a part of only my past.
This is one of the first poems that I wrote and actually really liked.