Sajad Bhat : Writing

The Bird's Complaint

The Bird's Complaint

A Poem by Sajad Bhat

Concerning to the Environmental Pollution, the Bird is complaining to humans and to the divine reality as why birds are targeted for the benefit of h..
Inside the common heart

Inside the common heart

A Poem by Sajad Bhat

Regarding the unrest in Kashmir, this is just a way i think could solve the issue.
The Quest

The Quest

A Poem by Sajad Bhat

The dream about Beloved moon which I am in search of, so comes "The Quest".
The Restlessness

The Restlessness

A Poem by Sajad Bhat

While I am unable to procure my pursuit love, it is the conscience I have managed to express "The Restlessness" of mine.
The Pursuit Love

The Pursuit Love

A Poem by Sajad Bhat

This is one of the intuition I felt concerning to my Pursuit Love, while I was sitting by the Department building and I wrote "The Pursuit Love"