Isabella Ivy

Isabella Ivy


Words are my best friends!

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Back to poetry/creative writing after raising a family/ranching.


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Posted 7 Years Ago

Hey to all of you still here whom I once 'knew'! You have been sincerely missed. I apologize for the long absence. No one could be sorrier than I, that illness has kept me away. I sure would like to reconnect, but remind that my device still refuses to respond to personal messages (?!) I pray that each of you is well and happy :) I.I.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

To all the talented friends and acquaintances I've made here, in such a short time: I regret not being as active as I have in the recent past, due to a hospitalization. Hopefully, I will see things turning around soon and will be back with you within a few days. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to catching up with all of you and your great pieces! Thank you for the inspiration and write on! :):):) Blessings, Isabella.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Dear Isabella,
You are an inspiration and a blessing for Writer's Cafe. Keep shining...
Much love,

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I'm so very pleased to meet all you fabulous writers! The contact is cherished and your enthusiasm inspires me. Just know my device suffers on this site, for some reason, and some functions are beyond my grasp. I'm trying to work around it. I'll appreciate your patience especially if I seem to ignore you. You are valuable to me :) I.I.