I know I'm alone,I'm alone 'cause I'm waiting."Waiting for what?" I couldn't say,Maybe for someone who's here to stay.I know that I am sad,I am sad 'c..
What delicate and
tender rose you've become.
So beautiful and
fragrant, Lovely and kind.
But thorns do ensnare
and hide your color,
Only t..
A hood that hides craze and sleeves
that hide blood,Eyes that are the key to the secrets
held inside.We are the hidden shadows, clear, but
you let me cry, I'll pay you for the water.
you let me vent, I'll pay you for your time.
But let me die, will I pay you with my life..
I know of harm and sorrow, and crystal tears
that fall.
I've felt the pain and loss, and the emptiness
that follows.
You say you know the feel..
Do you know this feeling?
Light cascading down
from the dark night sky,
The ring of soft
silver bells.
Rain in the meadow, and
grass freshly cut,
The dark collidin..
Take a journey and find who you are. Never be afraid of who you are, or what you can become.
see you through my broken window,
feel the cold latch to my arms.
fear and lingered sorrow,
consumes me like a fire.
Can you see me past my stone hard eyes?Or do you just see the anger on top.Can you tell that the wall that I have built high,Is there to protect me fr..