cricket : Writing

eller road

eller road

A Poem by cricket

wilted daisies knotted in thick chains dust catches the sun kicked up from that long straight road you used to live on. far enough one wa..
the basement

the basement

A Poem by cricket

cold slow stairs Down down into the basement into that smell of dust boxes stacked at an angle creased from Opening and then Closing Again..


A Poem by cricket

restless dreaming my head ducked and bobbed beneath unforgiving waves Maybe I was drowning Maybe I was being baptized Baptized by my pai..


A Poem by cricket

finally an actually new piece. wrote this quickly but I like how it turned out.


A Poem by cricket

a struggle of mine
paper butterflies

paper butterflies

A Poem by cricket

someone I loved and lost used to make me tiny paper butterflies.


A Poem by cricket

Nightmares of childhood Memories really- Waking up Drenched in sweat Aching from somewhere Deep in my chest With a longing to be held To..


A Poem by cricket

honey under my tongue one of many false prophets poisoned chamomile tea smelling sweetly of deep sleep a half truth, most things are
open casket

open casket

A Poem by cricket

I wonder in my eulogy Who will I be? Will they cut off the shameful parts With child-proof scissors? Stuff them away, Scatter them among..


A Poem by cricket

All I want is a window I want to be able to look out and be able to see that one day I could reach the other side. The side of this where th..