Michelle Ross

Michelle Ross


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Fayetteville, AR
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About Me

I am a 33 year old stay at home mother of three beautiful children. I have been writing since I was fourteen and have had several poems published. I am now working on a fantasy/fiction trilogy aimed toward the teen/young adult readers.

I apologize for not having any stories or poems up for you all to read. Since all my writing was deleted on here I have not had the time to repost anything. I'm working hard to finish typing up the final edits for my first book. I hope to be finished within the next month, if time allows. In the meantime feel free to check out the prologue and another short story I have written on my myspace profile(the link is next to my avatar). Happy writing and reading to you all!


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
it would be great to read your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey how are u ?
niceee words..

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Posted 17 Years Ago

how are you?

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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you Michelle for your review of "The Invitation" and I will be in touch before Christmas xxxxx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Michelle xxx Gosh it was so good to here from you! It's been ages since we spoke, in fact I went to your page to see if you had closed your account, but you were offline everytime and I thought you may have needed a break. Great news about your book and I hope it is published quickly, have you found a publisher? ABBY is now published, I also have 2 subsequent novels on the go, a book of poetry and a book on the grief journey, which will be illustrated and designed by my daughter Trudy who is an artist. So as you can see I have not been idle!
I hope you and your family have a great holiday season...I'll be in touch before Christmas...
Love to you my first cafe' friend xxxx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

michelle, thanks for joining my friends list, take care, mike

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Michelle, thank you for your kind review of "Sister mine" She really is that special and has been a rock for me to rest on.
I hope you're well, I think I noticed some new stuff on your list...going to read!
Take care xx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Cool. In Japan we have had a short Rainy Season with little rain. Its been quite nice except the humidity which is a killer.