A Story by Ingy
Title taken from "Hijo de la Luna", a song about the Moon's son.
A Poem by Ingy
Pyschopomp-- being an animal, such as a fox, horse, sparrow, cat, or other cultural creatures, who are seen religiously as a guide for the dead and th..
A Poem by Ingy
Tanka-a form of Haiku.
A Poem by Ingy
Wise words from my father.
A Poem by Ingy
Renga-- a linked form of Eastern poetry.
A Poem by Ingy
Tanka-- a form of Haiku.
A Poem by Ingy
Written as a farewell to many wonderful people in my life.
Greatly inspired by the Spanish poem, "Dark Night of the Soul"
A Poem by Ingy
Written in late Fall, 2008, for a very beloved person in my life.
A Poem by Ingy
If I could come back to this spot in time from some distant future, how would the current "me" see myself?