Night-drenched skinand bloodless lips,shoulders caving inand trembling hips.Thrumming through the silencelike a beating of wings.Scraped kneesand a sl..
I stood in wait,listening to the siren callof oblivion.Stranded on the cliff ofnot enough,never enough.The hours were a sluggish veilblinding and filt..
There is a sweet,hollow sadnesssleeping in my chest.It grows when I am still,confusing and kind,it rears its head-reminding meI am never enough,I can ..
Painted strokesof gentle destructionwinding and reachingtoward creation.Desperation upon her browand coal in her heart,the weight in her soul,a lover ..
Lips of crushed velvet,and eyes of ruined glass,shatteringand shatteringanyonewho got too close.They told herto steadyher heart,her mind,but they forg..
There was a legend. A story, told to children at night to scare them into being good, a story that haunted their parents to even repeat: There was onc..
I didn't like to think of it as running away. Rather, I was running toward something, I just wasn’t sure what it was yet. I think that’s w..
She was not born of the gods, the sun, or the earth. She was forged in the shadows of darkness, in the absence of light and love. When people spit fi..
When I reach outentrusting youwith my endless dreamspleasehold them gentlyin your calloused palmsfor I cannot bear the truthif it meansI cannot keep m..
Steadily Drip AwaySpiraling into the deep.Steadily Drip UntilI can't feel you anymore.Steadily Drip orStay.Just stay.