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Chico, California, CA
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About Me

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, serenely, divinely aware...

And this is why I write: AWARENESS... It is not in the moment that I tasted the delicacies of life that I savored them most...It was later, when I could remember every flavor, every smell, every sensation that I truly appreciated them completely...


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*�. .�* Poetry defines me. *�. .�*
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american flag

... I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior, for whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.

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Three passions have governed my life:
The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].

Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.
In the union of love I have seen
In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision
Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
I have wished to understand the hearts of [people].
I have wished to know why the stars shine.

Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,
But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart
Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of the disabled left helpless.
I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
And I too suffer.

This has been my life; I found it worth living.

I have been living my alone
As if it were a lover to be shown

In the wake of a lonely day
My heart years for a very different way.

This life that seems so dead
Is alive if only in my head.

I breathe in the scent that is now,
And wipe the moistness from my brow.

If only in my dreams,
Excitement real I live it seems.

And this day that feels a waste I believe
Brings me closer to self no reason to grieve.


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poetry quote

You may find it useful base your critiques on the headings below, at least to begin with. Some may prefer to split a story into sections and suggest which elements work and which need further work at each stage. In the end, consider the kind of feedback you yourselff require.

CHARACTERISATION: Do the characters seem real, or are they recognizable stereotypes, and is this a problem in the context of this particular story? Are the characters� motives logical and necessary to the story? Are we meant to identify with any characters, and if so, do we?

DIALOGUE Does the dialogue seem realistic? Can the reader imagine real people talking as the characters do? Does the dialogue add to the story, or distract us from it?

SETTING: Does the story have a context and place that is convincing and alive? Is the reader able to visualise each scene?

POINT OF VIEW: Is the POV consistent, or does it leap in the middle of a scene? Is the POV appropriate � do we get a clear enough picture of the principle character�s inner drama � or too much? Could the story be told fmore interestingly from another POV?

DEVELOPMENT: Does the story develop organically, without the reader noticing, or does the narrative make sudden leaps or get stagnant? Does the reader get confused at any point?

PACING: How deeply is the reader drawn into the story? How long does the story take to set up? Is the reader drawn into the story from the beginning? Which is most appropriate for each particular story: non-stop action or character development?

MECHANICS: At the outset, some writers experience trouble with the mechanics of expressing their fiction in words. Story, paragraph and sentence structure are all slaves to the flow of a piece. If something is amiss, the reader will experience the lack of flow immediately. A critique of a later draft can be invaluable in pointing out some of the specifics that are impeding the narrative flow.

Imogean's Eyes Blingee
To me poetry was originally a bunch of rhyming phrases, but today poetry moves me and reaches places of my soul that I did not know I had. I am truly excited to be here.

Hope is not the closing of your eyes
to the difficulty, the risk,
or the failure.
It is trust that
If I fail now
I shall not fail forever;
and if I am hurt,
I shall be healed .
It is trust that
Life is good.
love is powerful,
and the future is full of promise.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Miss you! xoxo

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
and posting your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Glad to see you are still here.. be back later!

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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

how is your book coming along???

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Glitter Graphics & Comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

sorry for the late reply but thank you for the wonderful reviews that you've written for me. have not written much lately. have been busy with work. will upload it as soon as possible. CHEERS

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sending you my prayers.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sending you my prayers.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos