In a time of war and slavery, this historical fictional romance captures the heart of a profound minded lady and sets her on a journey to fall in love..
North Carolina was thriving with cotton on the southern plantations during the Spring of 1860. Thus, making the aristocratic southerners richer ..
When the next day approached, the Blake’s waited for the arrival of Mr. Knowles. Mrs. Blake frantically paced their creaky, wooden floor, chec..
Flowers blossomed in the spring afternoon with the smell of freshly cut grass. The trees breathed the smell of freshness into the air along with t..
It was three in the afternoon when Emily went strolling through town alone. Her head was filled with the dream she’d had about the man calle..
For two weeks, there was no conflict between Emily and Mrs. Blake. Emily carried out her chores as normal without speaking to her mother. Usua..
The sunlight beamed through Emily’s window, warming her face as it poured its light into her room. She slept well the night before, knowin..
Love is but a burning candle
Of flames of golden fire.
Tis' love that is hot and yet sweet
With the flickering of blinking eyes,
Eyes that flutte..
A moment caught up in love...
Your lips are the way to heaven
Your arms, the way to paradise
You're the angel by my bed,
The only love of my life.
Wrap yourself around me,