phoenix : Writing

shadows of the past

shadows of the past

A Chapter by phoenix

March 27,3207: Everything changed or died since Ronald Thrump became the supreme world leader. World war 3 was a toxic war that killed half of the hum..
                                       the begining

the beginin..

A Chapter by phoenix

I was about ten years old when I got separated from my parents and my brother. I remember how five tall men with a red x mark on their shoulder forced..
                                The Harvest part one

The Harvest part o..

A Chapter by phoenix

Every morning I and Kishia woke up to gather fresh cherries to make jam. While we gather cherries the other slaves were busy cleaning the house, fixin..
                                The Harvest part 2

The Harvest part 2

A Chapter by phoenix

There was hardly anyone outside, the Reckpublicans were already on their job. Their main duty was to search for runaway slaves, people who opposed the..
                  A walk to freedom

A walk to freedom

A Chapter by phoenix

When I arrived back at the kitchen Mrs. Soul Prikens was standing besidethe mistress. The mistress raised her hand and slappedme, she said ''You fooli..
                                  A walk to  Freedom part two

A walk to Freed..

A Chapter by phoenix

By now the masters were already tasting the beef stew. I wish I could have been there to see their faces but this was my last chance to gain my freedo..
 freedom equals danger

freedom equals danger

A Chapter by phoenix

If it were not for the sunlight on my face I would have kept sleeping untilsundown. I opened my backpack and grabbeda peanut butterand jelly sandwich ..
                           I heard a cry

I heard a cry

A Chapter by phoenix

Watching all those shows on how to survive in the wild helped me get the first start. With my pocket knife, I crafted a bow and arrows. Then I grabbed..
                       What a short freedom

What a short freedom

A Chapter by phoenix

It was dark, the perfect time to go undercover without being exposed. I put my leather jacket on and crawled my way to the concentration camp. There w..
                                Shut Down

Shut Down

A Book by phoenix

In the year, 3207 humankind faces the challenge of slavery when Ronald Thrump comes to power as the leader of the world. Swan Everdeen is faced with t..

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