What is done is never really done. Death is an interruption of love that has no place to lite, of conversations interrupted, and of a longing that is..
Beneath ancient boughs, beyond the eyesof ordinary men sits a tower on the edge of the Earth itself,a spiritual way station of great significance.It i..
Strung words contain the meandering of liveslived and loston straight paths and crooked trails.Somedays its cursive current flows from a wellspringof ..
Coal dust dreams snow downhillwhile canaries take clean breaths.Politicians play on people's fearsand scare the rational to death.Greed and hate are a..
The walls appeared suddenly,their bricks made of words,their mortar of silence.The isolation imposed a misted hushthat enveloped her completely.She wo..
She stood against a backdrop of flaming red petals,her memories shut tight inside a heart shaped boxfilled with a time she could almost touch but neve..
Stardust is sprinkled in my hair,I have always been an old soulbut have never lost the lusterthat the universe has bestowed on me.The sun competed wit..
She was a poison apple of a woman,black star eyes and crimson lips.Her beauty a facade, a viper's nest of want.So much waste was left in her wake.A li..
Swathed in endless darkness, adorned in the pitch of it-a silken spiderweb of solitude am I.The castle on the hillis cold and forbidding,it's desolati..
Night has fallen in silken silencewhile the clouds blanket the sky.There is a preternatural stillnessthat makes me hold my breathand right before I ex..