Chris misses his opportunity with Katie, but Rose is finally free from Justin.
A Chapter by roscoe
A curse for the noise which surrounds usbends upon itself in the back of my mouth.Ingenuous lovers and rebellious youthArticulate the dissention we ha..
A Chapter by roscoe
It is with a great amount of couragethat I stand at her front door.I step forward, knock, step back. I have long awaited the chanceto speak with her, ..
A Chapter by roscoe
A pardon is assumedfor having surmountedthe appositionbetween accoladeand incentive,the divergence oftemptation,and metaphor.Alas, neither authorityno..
A Chapter by roscoe
What words are there,to figure or forgivethe escape we made,there was no choiceas a single lanterns glowdrew near,implying our shelterwould soon be ov..
A Chapter by roscoe
Much of the time,confusion.Inundated with reasonsshe allows only him.I am taught, as Ifollow along. I learn,all that it means toforget better days.If ..
A Chapter by roscoe
The inability to separatecause from consequencebestows undue influenceagainst pure intention.Words as daggersflash imperiousupon our hearts,as we gath..
A Chapter by roscoe
Our names are not suitedto be shared in circlesof considerable, moral intent.The amount of time havingpassed us by eschewsthe accountability called fo..
A Chapter by roscoe
Evidently, lacking proper footing,our pursuits lost their nobler warrant,and they came cascadingdown a jagged face of granite rock.Amongst evergreens ..