A Story by Anna
Like a perfect dream you stood in front of me. You let me go years ago, but here you are, standing in the rain, staring at me. I wanted to scream ou..
A Story by Anna
"In a room of mirrors, how can I know which one is me?" I whispered to myself in the fetal position. Rocking gently back and forth, huggin..
A Story by Anna
Delicately her hands strode over the piano keys, smooth as silk. She pressed one key deeply, and let the sound ring pure and clear, through the air...
A Story by Anna
Her soft hands held her face upward, while her elbows rested in green grass. A smile lifted upon her face. He was running towards her, a twinkle in hi..
A Story by Anna
His hand felt along my curves, as I struggled out of his choke hold. My movements were akward and jerky, but his were smooth and elegant. His grip tig..
A Poem by Anna
Hee hee hee....
A Story by Anna
just a tid bit I'm not nearly close to being done with....
A Poem by Anna
My first songish poem thing...XD
A Poem by Anna
Shivering quivering moonlit night
Hold your lover closeand tight
Love them forever,forever and a day
Promise them you'll always stay
A Story by Anna
Ha ha I like this one but it's not done...XD