child of God : Writing



A Poem by child of God

Emotions are extremely strong. Like a dam. There is no drip. It is simply a flood. Nevertheless, no one can handle A flood. People can..
My Ausume daughter

My Ausume daughter

A Poem by child of God

My daughter is autistic, The dictionary defines that as: A serious developmental disorder That impairs the ability Communicate and interact. H..
Equal love?

Equal love?

A Poem by child of God

I am not sure how to say this. I love you so much. My heart breaks sometimes. I absolutely adore you. With one step, I can fall in. To your Col..


A Poem by child of God

High School They teach us. Math and history. They teach us. English and Science But what do we get from it? I have graduated. And I wonder..


A Poem by child of God

As a believer Of Lord God Almighty. I am a poet A servant of Lord The Lord is My inspiration He is The voice Behind my poetry And I shall..
To those who are harsh

To those who are harsh

A Poem by child of God

I may not. Be David Bowden My word may not Flow as amazing. As his He is a talented Poet however I am merely An amateur poet. I love God...


A Poem by child of God

What is the meaning? of Family, I wonder. Is it only blood? People say "family first." But who exactly is considered family? What Does the Bibl..
I know

I know

A Poem by child of God

I know I am not the best person. I know I am crazy. I know I am weird. I know I am annoying. I know I am emotional. I know I am jealous. I kno..
My sweet Emily

My sweet Emily

A Poem by child of God

A child as sweet as you Only comes once in my life, So perky and rambunctious As only you could be. God saw fit to call you home When you were s..


A Poem by child of God

People say that. If God Is Real So why is there rape in the world? Why does cancer exist? Or abuse, but That is the point God let us go. ..

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