I was born with a Spark in my Soul.No, my Soul IS the Spark.It tells me that all is well;That there is hope;That nothing in this world is completely..
Three times I was promised something,Three times I was denied.I want to blame people for their insolence,For their false hopes,For their short-mindedn..
Sometimes, I see myself apart from the world, wandering in an endless sea of people. This poem shares such perspective.
What if words are magical,and that whatever you say can directly influence our physical existence:Saying "Part" will move the oceans,Saying "Burn" wil..
To people who consider me different, here is my response...
There are times when I ask myself: "Why do I even desire to help other people? It's already a burden to help myself." This poem is my answer.
Most of the people I know are always on-line, always in the rush. Is there a time when they stop and just stare on the night sky?
I wrote this when I was still in college. Again, just a spur of the moment. :-)
I wrote this poem with a deep desire to help out a friend. He wasn't the kind who'd open up, simply because of what life has brought to him. Nonethele..
I wrote this poem as an outlet from an incident in the office. Things weren't as smooth-sailing back then, and every criticism I got felt like a deep ..