emily : Writing

Erich - Eleven

Erich - Eleven

A Chapter by emily

Erich Well that ought to teach them not to give us power over our own schedule. Gabe and I quickly took to skipping class altogether after our fir..
Twenty Six

Twenty Six

A Chapter by emily

Twenty-Six Just as Hannah said, Isaiah was already there by the time I reached the attic. He looked healthier already, the bandage covered by what I ..
Jim - Twelve

Jim - Twelve

A Chapter by emily

Jim I had avoided Hersch like the plague for days. Every time I looked at him, all I could see was that surprisingly large, hard dick. As far as I k..
Twenty Seven

Twenty Seven

A Chapter by emily

Twenty-Seven I had not intended to return to sleep once Isaiah and I had finished, but sleep had somehow found me. We had made love slowly and indulg..
Gabe - Thirteen

Gabe - Thirteen

A Chapter by emily

Gabe I had snuck out to the music building after dinner. I had heard someone had broken into Professor Crackers’ files and gotten some reall..
Erich - Twelve

Erich - Twelve

A Chapter by emily

Erich Don’t ask me why I did it, because I don’t know the answer. I don’t know what I expected to find when I went looking for..
Twenty Eight

Twenty Eight

A Chapter by emily

Twenty-Eight I was left alone with Roy in the unnaturally quiet room. After what seemed like the longest period of silence ever, he spoke, quiet and ..
Herschel's Log - Entry Eleven

Herschel's Log - Entry Eleven

A Chapter by emily

Herschel’s Log Thursday, April 17, 1941 What a week. If we get any more excitement around here, I might as well hop on the train back to Pola..
Twenty Nine

Twenty Nine

A Chapter by emily

Twenty-Nine Unfortunately, I felt my confidence faltering as I crept towards the barn. My steps slowed as I approached the building that loomed ahead..


A Chapter by emily

Thirty Not yet wanting to begin the agonizing night of waiting that lay ahead of me, I stayed outside the barn, a little ways away from the place whe..