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Aurora, IL
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A Book by Genna

Scared Scared

A Poem by Genna

Guestroom Guestroom

A Story by Genna

Whispers Whispers

A Poem by Genna

Love (Raw) Love (Raw)

A Poem by Genna

Secret Secret

A Poem by Genna

About Me

I know at all times that in four hours I will feel completely different.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Express your Magnificence for you are a Beautiful Entity flowering from within whose very Existence is a Breath of Inspiration. Walk in Peace where the grass is green and make every moment a Vision of Happiness. You are meant to Thrive and Blossom. Be the Creator of your Life and Create a Life of Love and Kindness. Let your Spirit Soar and live in Absolute Joy. You are an Angel and Earth is Heaven!

Micheal Teal