H.L. Cerveise : Writing

Between the Lines

Between the Lines

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Between the LinesThey say, read between the lines! Is not the meaning behind the lines? Is it not just white space between the lines? Maybe the..
Blàr Chùil Lodair

Blàr Chùil Lodair

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

The Battle of Culloden


A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

UntetheredUntethered in timeA drift without an anchorLost in the time wave
Water Clock

Water Clock

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Water Clock Drip-drip sings in my ancient ears. So close to the bowl I see the rings. It dings out the hours every sixty. Tick-tock si..
Dragonflies in Amber

Dragonflies in Amber

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Dragonflies in Amber Oh poor dragonfly caught in love's eternal circle. You have locked her in your unending embrace. All her past encounter..
Warrior Poet Zen 1-5

Warrior Poet Zen 1-5

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

This is dedicated to all the warrior poets on this site and around the world.
Keyboard to Infinity

Keyboard to Infinity

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Keyboard to InfinityThe Keyboard BelowMy Nimble Fingers Type Out Eternal Cosmos
The Star Series: Sungrazers

The Star Series: Sungrazers

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Sungrazers Both search for that most desired.They get burnt in the scorching rays.Eyes tear from the glaring enlightenment. The hero falls into ..
Hungry Ears

Hungry Ears

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Hungry EarsI Am The Notes I Hear In My Hungry Ears Mind the Symphony
Heavenly Nectar

Heavenly Nectar

A Poem by H.L. Cerveise

Heavenly NectarAbsolution Nor Forgiveness Do I Not Seek Why Shall I Delay Ears Music Blaring Your Scent Upon My Fingers Mouth Devours It Al..