An excerpt of my 20th book, the novel "The Thrilling Adventure."
An excerpt of my fourt book and novel, SUMMER TEMPEST.
A synopsis of my fourth book a novel, which is similar to a thriller, its backgound is the peace proces that was signed on the White House lawn in Was..
An excerpt of my 20th bovel for your examination, me dear colleagues and friends.
A synopsis of my first thriller "The Remote Control Job".
A synopsis of my first novel, AN AFRICAN SUNSET.
A synopsis of my first thriller, published digitally with Amazon.com, and as a paper back with Create Space.
One more excerpt of my 2oth book, The Thrilling Adventure.
An exerpt of ny 20th book.
Any book backed by an aggressive public relations campaign, can turn into a best seller, it doesn't entitle it to be included in the books canon list...