You can read the 1st 3chap of my 23 books, or read the full text with KDP library; or buy 6 novelettes and short story collection for just $2.99, and ..
An excerpt of my new manuscript.
an excerpt of a new manuscript, a science fiction novel
Just another day
One of my first stories on art in my country, it’s fictitious but based on my own life experience.
You can download the novel “A Post Impressionistic Career” > $2.99 from 4.13.17 up to 4.20.17 (148 pages, 74.400 words), or my nine thri..
You can download each of my nine thrillers and my five novels > $4.99, or read the 1st 3chap of my 22 books, or read the full text with KDP library;
You can download each of my nine thrillers and my five novels > $4.99, or read the 1st 3chap of my 22 books, or read the full text with KDP library;
The novel Summer Tempest is my 4th book and my longest literary creation. I’ve writen it during 4 long years from 2003 up to 2007.
An introductory blog to the novel Summer Tempest.
A synopsis plus an opening short excerpt of my first novel “An African Sunset”.