Courtney Elizabeth : Writing

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

My breath is now regained. Billy is standing in front of me, watching me. Silence is all there is for about five minutes. He starts to walk over to w..
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I am half naked. I am sitting up against his bed on the floor of his smelly room. My pants and panties are off my body.Billy, on the other hand, is c..
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

The tension is running through my body like it's never going to stop. This feeling, I have never had before. Now that I have had, this feeling of get..
Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

A half an hour has now gone by and he is still going at it. At this point I am used to the pain. I was used to the pain when all of this started. I w..
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I sit there i silence. Once again. He is standing by his bedroom window.Peeringout into the darkness that lies before him. I look up at him, I can fe..
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I stay sitting on the floor with a confused look on my face. After he had just said all those things to me and then turned right around and hit me. I..
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I was still sitting on Billy's cold cement floor. Dry blood covered my body. On my wrists, my arms, my face, my legs. Every where. I had the biggest ..
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

He steps back holding his hand. I see the blood drip through the creses of his fingers. " What was that for? " He asks in a surprising vo..
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I sit on Billy's bed, waiting to see if he would return. The hour passes by, he doesn't come back. Another hour and no Billy. I stand up. The pain in..
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

A Chapter by Courtney Elizabeth

I stand there outside his house. Every so often sitting down and then standing back up again. I couldn't bare to go back into Billy's house. It was f..