I sit here and pondered this night away,
searching for words that are most profound;
To deliver a message of dire warning,
to a world swiftly los..
Without a cure for modern madness,
the world just melts away;
Innocents are slaughtered in the name of God,
while tender hearts rot and decay.
Some say that the broken hearted
are shy to love once again;
And that your just better off alone
than to reppeat that kind of pain.
But I wa..
Accumulated scales of blindness
fell like torrential rain,
there was no more sadness,
and no more pain.
You touched my heart
that wastorn in two...
No Peace on Earth
or goodwill to men,
we train to kill
and war again.
Prophets pleading
all for nought,
grace and truth
are never sought.
Boot Camp
The army stands defeated on the battlefield,
But they never really knew how to fight;
They were mighty against enemies they could see,..
Staggered aimlessly into some empty church,
One rainy Wednesday afternoon;
As I hung my head at the alter,
I asked God to please end this misery ..
Twas by divine revelation I became aware,
That I don't live for me alone;
I found possessions are really wonderful blessings,
And not just things..
There's no cookies in my cupboard,
there's only one cup for my tea;
I've no money in my wallet,
and there's nothing I really need.
You see, I'..
My Good Friend never argues,
and at all times displays the truth;
My Good Friend has been with me now,
since early in my youth.
My Good Friend..