Midnight Reolan

Midnight Reolan


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Las Vegas, NV
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About Me

Whenever asked about myself I normally go into a long lengthy description of how my life was before now. But I don't want to live in the past anymore. My future is what is important to me and seeing as that doesn't leave much for me to talk about, I'll just give a few quick facts:

I like coffee and anything that's related to coffee.
Writing is my escape out of reality.
I don't like school, but I'm supposed to go anyway.
I'm a full blown liberal with many opinions on many things.
I question my faith.
I use WAY too many commas.
I have three dogs and three cats :]
I dance.
Reading isn't a hobby, it is life.
I'm not committed to anyone, and I'm not really looking.
I want to find myself.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You write a nice review. Thanks for stopping.

"He's not a father - just a farmer." I agree, it's one of the best images in the poem.