Crowley : Writing

Always a Teacher

Always a Teacher

A Poem by Crowley

For a friend who is a wonderful teacher.
El Sol

El Sol

A Poem by Crowley

Now heres a hot
Trinny Can You Hear Me?

Trinny Can You Hear Me?

A Poem by Crowley

Not sure why, but I love this one.
Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

A Poem by Crowley

Its farther down than you think...


A Poem by Crowley

It happens...
The King of Butter

The King of Butter

A Poem by Crowley



A Poem by Crowley

Saviors come in many packages...
The Wordsmith's Song

The Wordsmith's Song

A Poem by Crowley

Happy Friday!!
Paying for Peace

Paying for Peace

A Poem by Crowley

Can peace be an eternal thing depending on thought process....
My Conversation With Clouds

My Conversation With Clouds

A Story by Crowley

Ok a little corny but what the hey....