


Is it too early for cocktails and conversation? I am sooo done.

Phoenix, AZ
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up if you want me to read something by messaging me, I don't have my read requests on as that quickly becomes an act of futility at times.


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Posted 2 Years Ago

I definitely am.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

...pray for Jacob!

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Cheers C, have been having a time of it of late, heath wise and it's either down to ageing in dog years, long covid, or some other ailment or other I've forgotten about, which may be memory loss, but I forgot to write it down....A bit like my 18 different passwords that I randomly tried, then immediately forgot which one worked.
So in summation, this isn't the supermarket and why am I here dressed in a penguin onesie? And why isn't my usual coffee on special this week? 😊

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Posted 2 Years Ago

"Mister Crowley, what went on in your head?" I think I read it in your poems. :) Hope you're doing well my friend.

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Posted 4 Years Ago


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Posted 4 Years Ago

Cee I miss ya! I hope you and the fam are doing well? hope to catch up soon!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

I see you Cee! lol Happy time change Monday!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Sometimes I feel like I'm reaching. But Thank you so much!!!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

You always write something "awesome"...or maybe its just the feeling you leave your reader with after they've read you.

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Posted 5 Years Ago