name: Jason
birthday: July 17, 1993
zodiac sign: Gemini
where were you born: In a place
where do you live now: With the biggest, weirdest, and loving family
height: 6' 7'
hair color: Blond
eye color: Teal
tattoos: Lots
piercings: Lobes, Lip, and Dick
food: BACON
candy: ALL OF THEM!
movie: Anything I watch with my princess.
tv show: Supernatural
actor: Jensen Ackles
actress: Scarlett Joehanson
band or singer: Hollywood Undead
song: One More Bottle - HU
holiday: My Birthday
month: October
season: Fall
day of the week: Any day I don't have to go to work.
store: Spencers
restaurant: Any that gives me bacon.
sport: Football
animal: Octopus <3
flower: Daisy?
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: No.
tripped and had an embarassing fall: Every few minutes.
smoked: For 12 years. Just quit though.
got drunk: All the time.
done drugs: Yep. Found out I'm allergic to pot. 3:
gone skinny-dipping: No. The water can't handle my sexiness.
been in a car accident: No.
been in love: Yes~
met the president: NO! Ew. Never please.
met a celebrity: Not really.
cried over a movie: Yessssss... >_>
shoplifted: Once. Not proud...
laughed so hard you cried: Yiss
cried for no reason at all: Yeah..
*The last.....*
thing you said: I love you~ (To my baby girl.)
thing you ate: My girl ;D
song you heard: One More Bottle - HU
movie you saw: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2
cd you bought: Notes From The Underground - HU
book you read: The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
phone call: I don't have a phone... 3:
im: Nah.
person you yelled at: Nesh. She's an a*s. :3
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonalds or burger king: Burger King
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. (Unlike my sex life.)
tv or movies: Both? Both. Both is good.
colored pencils or markers: Color Pencils
sun or moon: Both.
day or night: Both
pants or shorts: None! (For reals: Pants)
long sleeve or short sleeve: No shirt isn't an option..?
n'sync or backstreet boys: No.
burgers or hot dogs: Burgers
rock or rap: Both
aim or phone: In person
romantic comedy or thriller: All the movies!
waffles or pancakes: Bacon
peanut butter or jelly: Peanut butter
what color is your toothbrush: Teal
do you believe in love at first sight: Yes, now.
have you ever wished upon a star: Yes
what other language(s) do you speak: Smart-assery
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: TEAL
if you could change your name what would you change it to: I wouldn't.
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: Why DO yOU neeED TO KNOW?
whats the weather like right now: Rainy
what instruments do you play (if you play any): Acoustic guitar. (Hardly.)
do you talk to yourself a lot: Yes?

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