Henry Kraemer

Henry Kraemer


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Portland, OR
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About Me

A former actor, prospective professor and incessant student, Henry hails from Arcata, CA. He smokes Captain Black's pipe tobacco and wears many cardigans.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Henry,
First of all, I am happy to report that Cade has re-evaluated his "ideological" thoughts about WritersCafe.Org and he has re-opened his account. He is a driving force in this arena and he needs to be "here" whether certain writers agree with him or not; this is called "freedom of speech" and I will stand to the death to protect this fundamental right as an American. Jordan left a comment on my site which was so accurate: Some people just "hate" and there is no cause for this; it only shows that they are extremely closed-minded individuals who "see" only what they choose to see--thus they feel they are the "true" gatekeepers of the "word." If Cade is not one of your "friends," then I would definitely suggest you request him per me. He has a great deal to "say" and it's worth listening to. Different perspectives. Different Lives. Different Opinions. All Bring About Communication.

I am still in northern Michigan but I will be back in Fort Worth, Texas on January 1, 2007. I have forgotten your two requests for me to read, review, and offer my "words" concerning your brilliant writing. I now have 22 requests in my mailbox and eventually I will get to them all. I am a faithful and true person and I am commited to not only learning from my friends here on WritersCafe.Org but also assisting those who request my "offerings." I am very happy that you requested me as as a "friend" because your writing is so real, down-to-eath, spiritual without being mushy, and beyond sincere. People often ask me do I not face "conflicts" being a Christian/Spiritual Being and writing on a myriad of topics; my response is, "No, because God gave me the talent to use it in His glory." Again, some of these individuals are so closed-minded that they cannot see the "bigger" picture. Your writings are surreal, truthful, spiritual with great depth of soul, spirit, and heart. I commend you on your "words" and I look forward to reading more of them in the new year.

So, in the meantime, take care and I'll see you in the new year.

Much Love,

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey Henry,
My friend, I'm almost out of commission here in northern Michigan. I tried to post some sort of bulletin letting everyone know that I was leaving for the entire month of December to spend the hoildays with my parents. My mom has the archiac "dial-up" system so therefore it is virtually impossible for me to get out without getting booted off a thousand and one times, [I'm holding my breath while I'm typing you this message!!!]. I haven't forgotten you nor am I ignoring your requests to review, etc. It's just that it's not going to happen while I am here. I will be back in service on January 1, 2006.


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Posted 18 Years Ago


but someone started talking about getting drunk last weekend and i was like "quuuuuuuit! with the idle chatter!"

and i thought of you

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Posted 18 Years Ago

no problemo!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Henry,
Although I am not "known" for being a writer of rhyming prose or poetry, I wanted to show you that I did, [and sometimes, still do], write such a style. Now come on by and check on the "featured" prose poem, "Dream Sequence: The Spider Woman's Web." I really loved this prose poem and the rhyming scheme was really incredible for me as it was truly writing itself. This was a "true" dream that I did have and I awoke and wrote it down and then, over a period of time, I refined it into what it stands today. I am very proud of this piece. Let me know what you think of not only the prose poem but the "scheme." I'm interested to hear your opinion.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Dear Henry,
I received your message requesting me to "review" your piece, "They Have The Same Eyes." I want you to know that I have not forgotten you at all. My schedule at university has been hell and hectic but it ends when my grad students turn in their "take-home" finals on Monday. Also, I am a child psychologist, so I have to finish seeing client this coming week because I am leaving next Saturday for a full month of R & R in northern Michigan and Vermont. I am going to be spending much needed time with my two best friends, my parents, and several other friends snow skiing, etc. However, I will review your piece within the next couple of days. I have skimmed it and I like what I have read so far. Yet, I want to do you justice and give it my full attention. In the meantime, come by and check out "Colors Seem To Fade Away" & "The Blooming of The Rose in Springtime" and let me know what you think.

By the way, I had a friend, at one time, who lived in Portland and I went to visit her and I fell in love with the city, the nature abounding, and the warmth of the people...just like yourself.

I'll see you soon. Take care,

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Posted 18 Years Ago

they're putting in Utopia.
