I shall think because I can.I shall share as I am able to.And I shall listen when I am still able to deform.__________________________________________..
tell me something about you”
a girl
yea but could you tell some specific information such as age and..
A short story with thoughts of reawaken girl.
"I love you", he types."love u too", I answer.But after whilemy mind keeps telling:"He won't stay". That just simply crushes me down, pulls me down to..
Just thoughts and stuff so not going to need feedbacks, thanks.
I'm running. Ground is like there would have been spreaded tiny ice balls. Those look like little diamonds which sparks on the moonlight.I'm in the fo..
I'm watching out of thebus' window. I can actually rarely see trees and houses. Darkness is everywhere.I switch light above me off to see better into ..
I'm walking. I'll get home soon.The streets are quiet and filled with darkness.But luckilymoonlight is bright.I'm looking at my shadow just to be sure..
life sucks,and i have socksnot a dream,not having a team...f**k i suck at poems
oli sulla painot tai kaks,eppä tullu sen kummemmaks.(eventhough you would have one or two weights, you wouldn't get any better still)