My heart sifts through memoriesSlowly, turning the pagesI cling tight to my mind;Stay safe, keep my distanceCrisp like dead, autumn leavesTime has cha..
Another poem about life. About my past, present, and future.
Self explanatory.
Life. This was to all the people I've met along the way that I swear I will never forget about
Feeling free.
A poem about heartbreak. Missing someone who you thought you loved, and facing the fact that the pain still hasn't left yet.
About the need for change, I guess. I'm getting sick of people lately, this kind of describes it?
Whenever you pick up a book at a bookstore, your first idea is to read the little paragraph on it’s back cover. If you find it at all interesti..
When I was younger, I never used to cry in movies. I’d sit there and watch my mom and sister bawl their eyes out during movies like ‘A Wa..
This title may change, just like this book may. It's about life. A lot of my own experiences will be going into this. Enjoy.