


nail beds are a home my teeth sink into

Cleveland, OH
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A Poem by Julia

Mad Man Mad Man

A Poem by Julia

About Me

I feel like all my mistakes and regrets are planned out ahead of time before I make them. Sometimes I make these choices because I feel a need to regret things.

I like coffee. And music. And books. And movies. I probably fry my brain cells with how much television I watch. I swear all the time. I overly use the words 'dude' and 'bro'. Then I pretend I'm British and use words like 'mate' and 'love'.

I act more like a boy than a girl, and I smoke and I love it, even though I shouldn't. People like a lot of things that are bad for them. The universe is a f*****g masochist. We should get the f**k over it.

I act like an absolute moron everywhere except on paper and frequently make a fool of myself. I write poems about love but I've honestly never felt it. Yet, anyways. I stress out too much about school and then make the decision to party on the weekends. I'm like everyone else because I can blend in with so many different crowds, but I don't really belong anywhere specific.

Whatever. The point is, I wrote some s**t and decided to share it.