Travis Lawrence : Writing

A Cool Wind

A Cool Wind

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

A cool wind may be short, stormy showers, or only the tall gray clouds and shade, but this late- Spring soothing swiftly licks ..
Raining Redwoods

Raining Redwoods

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Raining Redwoods sing with deep roots, cheering the clearing of the clouds. Their children chime in high notes, climb and twir..
We're Awake

We're Awake

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Blank and blue paper has art unknown, like kind lit eyes set moderate and high, squinting in an alight sun that remembers every rise,..
Watery Abysses

Watery Abysses

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

The watery abysses I’d sink to, if salty stones stuck on my toes could depress and dissolve my soreness, would look like blue s..
Higher Altitudes In Shorter Intervals

Higher Altitudes In Shorter Intervals

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Pyramids spiral in exponential curvature, laying time like bricks and building blocks we climb to higher altitudes in shorter intervals. Air a..
Like Window Shades Light Smoke Rings

Like Window Shades Light Smoke Rings

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

drift in and out of sun beams like window shades light smoke rings, high G melody lingers in lighter tones, lonely jazz cornet solos spread an..
Living Water

Living Water

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Fog rises from living water like magic wisps, breaths of steam bathing air in moisture. Swims here cleanse clear auras as Austin's sticky soot ..
Without Reverse

Without Reverse

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Distance in days like daylight between suns. Night is nowhere in between. Wrinkled cheeks and chins, stubble scratched palms shared and fest..
Swimming In Rain Storms

Swimming In Rain Storms

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

Minor chords break hearts, sadness stretched low like melancholy notes strike clean arteries to continue bleeding blood through wiser veins, a..
Balance Is Stitching Like Cosine Curves

Balance Is Stitching Like Cosine Curves

A Poem by Travis Lawrence

reunite self interest with all interest. earth is singular, we are cells devouring. like cancer sickens itself to death, we seek empty weig..