As I pick myself up off the floor of this house, this body of mine, the only thing left untouched seemed to be the solid pillars that stand on either ..
Here I am, woman, steady in the stance within my mind, still longing for the refuge of your words flowing from two thousand miles away. Why do I fall ..
Face pale, with swollen eyes you stare at the life you've strung across the floor. No make-up can hide the war tattered skin you wear and justificatio..
Your words, undefined, placed in ways that lift me up and tear me down all in one savage sweep, spill from the same mouth that buries your tongue deep..
It's how it's being written, the short lived triumphs of my long lived life seem to fade away as you get further down the road. I hear the sound of Mo..
If I lay myself in front of you, bare, soul naked and armor to the side, could you gaze upon me and take me in or would you twist away as if I were th..
Mornings come easy. The sun rises, children wake and begin the daily routine of early arguments before society takes them away for the day. A kiss goo..
I sit, legs crossed in old Indian style as if I'm in kindergarten once more. Back leaned against the cushion of the torn down couch, head laid back, e..
With eyes of deception you look at me trying to pretend you see what I am. Your ghastly stares that shoot my way, just above the hanging jaw, cant hid..
There’s a girl I know and she tells me a tale.
She feels
like she’s floating around on the wind of the words coming from the mouth..