I've never felt this small,
so incapable, so f*****g pathetic.
I told you that last time I was shattered,
this is just whimpering, sp..
At times, my moods are drawn apartLike curtains on a dark night.I glare at myself through the cold glass.Yesterday I sat in the dark for hours.I could..
Grind my bones togetherAs you screw me upLike a piece of paper.Then squeeze me slowlyUntil I vomit black bile.
softly, softly. closeness come easily to us.your skin flows softly under my fingertips
as i ask you to hold me, with your hand in the small of ..
recently, i've becomeoccasionally manic.i'm not always like this, i think.i don't want you to think you must maintain metighten my screws and oil my h..
talk tenderly, you say. you know me, you say.you must be able to feel my hurt.but i've never been good at not saying the things i shouldn't.
there's distance. between our fingers, our chests, our cheeks.my new evening activity:watching you watch her.every night she sits there,missing a dime..
i’m watching you stare at me.i can tell it’s mebecause when you glance a little to the righton your computer screenyour face is concentrat..
my body is trembling with my love for you.
it tingles in my sparkly bones,
sends sparks through my temples,
and evaporates off of my skin
in shimm..
i don't like the self i was tonight.a vivid girl, staring into strangers eyes,that was me.all i wanted was a distraction,buttonighti feel the hole ins..