dissect me into piecesmathematicalmanicmake memake sensesolve the pieceslike a puzzlebreak methen make meintactbut I'm not builtof numbers and factswh..
I have always yearnedto make musicmaybeI just don't have any music to makeSimply so much to saybut no courage to converse itin need of beats and melod..
contracting breathsbetween the sentencesof those faceless giantsthat surround mewithout a comprehensible soundlostand not quite yetfoundyou'll come ar..
I lust for youto think of medaydreamof your scribbled greetingsof your silent longing,your thoughts of me(thinking of you)thirstyfor some confessionof..
I am the faded moth,attracted to the light you project,or maybe in the endI really am the butterflybecause those false pretenses of protectionkeep me ..
(I'm screaming)You told me I was being too loud.It's silly,to be neither seen nor heard.(I'm hiding)You scold me for interrupting too much.Even thatDo..
I can't blame a soulfor being soullessI cannot keep controlon a broken consciencesent backflashing fearfurious invisibilityof all the thingswho knewth..
who knew?I wasn't really empty,until you suddenly took everything.guilt is sifted in my gutbecause I broke my promiseswhen you broke my trustits daunt..
my head felt cavernousthough now I doubtthat it's truly thereI grasp for what is happeningbut my soul is bleeding outI could forget to breatheforget t..