The blood thickens and curdleslike old milk left out in a dark, damp room;forgotten, sealed, andputrefying, it is consumedwith out witness.The assaila..
Incandescent spread,floweringgelatinousin the deep flowing icy-blackarterioles of the arctic current.Life flowering Blue sparks captured in a lens;blu..
In the golden grasses ofAfricashe stalks the heard, waitingfor the young calve of a wildebeestto stray away from her mother.The Lion mid leaptakes no ..
As a gift i gavethe sky a mirror,and in return shegave me backmy reflection.I have stared longintothe surfacesof things, and see nowmy image repeatedb..
The fire flung up cinderssparkling into the branchesof the Black walnut tree.The smoke and heat displacedthe cool air of the night until we couldfeel ..
In these essays i hope to lay a framework for further development and thought that may extend to the end of my life. I hope for it to be useful as a g..
It has occurred to me that the broadness of my subject matter makes it unclear as to what my true focus really is. What does it mean to have your foc..
a personal philosophy as well as a guide into the connections between music the mind and the universe. It is not a scientific discourse though i hope ..
Black ripplesflower out from the centerof a splash.Life is the stone and deaththe wavepropagatingout,kicking up black mud and slimefrom the bottom of ..
A crow pecked
the sunken socket
where the eyes once were.
Upon death
all is consumed
all swallowed up
upon death,
The eyes do not lose