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GuineaPig : Writing

Hello, Spring

Hello, Spring

A Poem by GuineaPig

i was sitting outside with a notebook and pencil and just started writing. no high expectations plz.


A Poem by GuineaPig

a haiku, but i ditched the format for the last line.
A Year in a Day

A Year in a Day

A Poem by GuineaPig

jorio format but not content-whoops didnt read the whole description
Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig

A Poem by GuineaPig

i just had to write this, considering it's my username and all :D


A Poem by GuineaPig



A Poem by GuineaPig

another tetractys poem :p
February 15

February 15

A Poem by GuineaPig

tetractys poem- i wrote it for a prompt a while ago
Snowflakes and Maple Seeds

Snowflakes and Maple Seeds

A Poem by GuineaPig

just something i wrote


A Story by GuineaPig

The door was closed. June opened her mouth in a silent scream, felt it fill with thick, billowing smoke, her fingers groping frantically for a h..