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About Me

An ordinary girl...

I'm Jullienne, but most of the people call me Jojo. I, came from mibba (just in case someof you came from there) and, I have the same username there.

Music, just like most people, is my life. Music is so important to me 'cause, they're the reason why I found myself. Yes, maybe I'll live even if there's no music but, I'd feel empty.

I hate "emo". Okay, I don't care if you'll hate me because of that. I don't give the reason why I hate them unless you and I are close. I hate those people who call themselves punk or rocker because it makes the word... labeling. Which, I hate with passion.

I'm friendly and very approachable. I got used in checking out stories 'cause, that's my job in this certain site (I'm not sure if, I'm allowed to say what's that site), I'm a Story Editor there.

I write fanfics and, I'm not sure if you guys have respect for that genre so, yeah. I enjoy writing OC's/nonfictions. I haven't tried writing a slash/femmeslash. ;)

So, I think that's all.