~Our Fantasy World~ Forum Fanart :)
Fanart :)12 Years AgoI realized lots loved to draw, and if you want you can post your art here. It doesn't have to be fanart, it can be anything! I'm probably going to post fanart on Bella Catten's book soon.... Feel free to post :)
Re: Fanart :)12 Years AgoUmmm what does that mean exactly i don't know how to post stuff and is fan art when you redraw one of you favorite characters i just don't even know. but i do do art here's one i drew on a whiteboard
Re: Fanart :)12 Years AgoIt's basically when you draw art (can be anything) based on media like movies tv shows animes and books (WC Books can count too.) like drawing the characters from a book in your own style (what I do) and put them online for the wOrld to see. It doesn't have to be Professional.. It can be anything :3
To post, you can start a new thread and tell me to email the rest of the members so they can take a look at them. Or simply reply to this thread by posting your picture :3
Re: Fanart :)12 Years AgoThose are so much fun to do!! I like to draw pics of my friends based off media's or anime/manga. what about scanning, would u need to like have a special software to make it look all professional?