thread heads
Re: hi13 Years AgoOriginally posted by PokemonFan#1
Hello! I'm sorry I haven't been on here for a long time. I just can't seem to get here because I keep forgetting, but I'll try to come back on more! (Could someone tell me whats going on so far? I'm a bit confused....) yeah.....C.A.Jordan basically told you what happened, other characters like Juno, Lee, and Aurum are like trying to help out with some truama accidents of Lee with Ragnarok now being free from Lee and Clover becoming a new character plus Larkspur he's there too. oooooh! there's going to be WAR! "SOUND THE BUGLES!" |
Re: hi13 Years Agosounds exciting, yes? and Sandra, i am not the same person as Imagination-mage~
Re: hi13 Years AgoOriginally posted by Imaginator
sounds exciting, yes? and Sandra, i am not the same person as Imagination-mage~ oh no no no i know you guys are different i meant that i had the same opinion of sound of voices for the both of you. plus! ....yeah this story is getting excited! ^(*u*)^ oh yeah!!! |
Re: hi13 Years Agoerrrr....question Are we ever going back to school, like Mystic Academy?
Re: hi13 Years Agothe story has divided into 3 parts, and it seems like only the part with Sandra, Imagination-mage and me is still continuing every day. Is there a way to bring the story back together?
Re: hi13 Years Agowe could probably come together when the headmistress calls us back (aka Mysteries mom)
Re: hi13 Years Agoyeah and with the whole play scene i don't know how that'll work with Lee gone so changes would be made to the casting i guess. so yeah back to escuela...
Re: hi13 Years Agoactually, everyone is getting back to together in the tunnel and after that, no going off in random plot lines without permission
ummm... updates please13 Years Agomiss ghostly whare are at or rather what do you want us to do? I'll read ahead in the meantime.
Re: hi13 Years Agowe ALL (yes, ALL!!!) need to stop our individual plot lines (forget about them after you quickly tie them up)go to the tunnel (no more blasting walls or destroying the tunnel) and wait for instruction
Re: hi13 Years AgoOriginally posted by ghostlyauthor we ALL (yes, ALL!!!) need to stop our individual plot lines (forget about them after you quickly tie them up)go to the tunnel (no more blasting walls or destroying the tunnel) and wait for instruction understood we're all at the tunnel now except for eddie so would it be all right if we go bail her out with your permission? we meaning everything and everyone or would you rather have us stay? ...just asking |
Re-joining the team!13 Years AgoOkay, I'm coming back in as best as I can. I wanna make it a goal for me to put up at least one post on Mystic Academy per day! (I'll also work on the re-make one too.)
Re: hi13 Years Agojust stay
Re: hi13 Years AgoOkay, so what's this about a school play? (You know, because I've been gone for a while)
Re: hi13 Years Agowe are going to be in a play. as long as you keep reading the original, you'll find out.
Play13 Years AgoWhat pages is it talked about in? (Or is it just this thread?)
Re: hi13 Years Agowhat exactly is the play about or what play? i was gonna have Ragnarok come in Aurum's dance scene........sound good?
Re: hi13 Years Agoi think that's be great but what is the play about exactly? is it the same as before with the character roles a few pages back in the forum?
Re: hi13 Years AgoOriginally posted by Jamillet it's funny how when i look at our user pictures i usually imagine the voice of the person behind it:
ghostlyauthor: young teenage girl 13-14 years not so queaky or deep but normal (whatever "normal" is)
PrincessZeldaWannabe: a light goddess voice light, soothing and serene, erm ... from your princess pic like Hana from fruits basket
Imaginator: Imagination-mage: Mature teenage girls like zakuro fujiwara just lighter
C.A.Jordon: to me is hard his pic looks like a Kyo but I'm not sure about Edwin???
PokemonFan#1: a small sweet voice
me: -_- i'll jus try to describe uhmm...i kind of have a small voice like but then again when i get talkative i sound like a boy not a deep voice one but a small animated voice kind of like Ash from pokemon I think just more girl-like.
weird i know 0.0 but my mind is a maze, that even i lose my way cause sadly i lost my directions in the maze too :P
I know its late but that pic is Yukimura sanada from the animea nd game sengoku basara. so you ar probably picturing Johnny bosch. |
Re: hi13 Years AgoSorry I haven't been around here lately, but I promise to make it up and follow as quick as I did before. Excited for the play!