the group : Forum : runonwords theories

runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

why are they plagiarizing us? 

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Originally posted by [detective] Mayisha
why are they plagiarizing us? 

Probably because they couldn't be creative on their own. They just decided to claim other people's work because they were weak.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

They are jealous of the awesomeness everyone has and are depressed about their lack of creativity.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Not really a theory, but has everything on that site been plagiarized? Because I just checked the site out and it had one single piece of writing on it that wasn't published by the site itself....

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

it's obviously not the site mods. they just posted this::

News - 12/28/2011:
There appears to have been a mass scale attempt to plagarize writings and post them on Runonwords for unknown reasons. In an attempt to resolve this situation, most writing have been removed from the site in order to sort through the reported issues. If your writings have been removed in error, please contact us to have your account restored. The site remains fully functional, and stronger bariers to protect copyrights have been put in place. Thanks for your help in stopping this issue.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Orrrr they could be posting that so it looks like they're not to blame. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it. If you guys haven't looked at this all ready look at it:     http: / / www . writerscafe . org / writing / Laerrus/ 840683/ (without the spaces, I was having problems with the hyperlink)      It's very interesting.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

There must be a troll here on our wonderful community. Who knows, maybe the person(s) was/were trying to help us gain fans. Really, I think people are just jealous of a talent he/she does not possess. However, that is just my optimistic self. My work was taken off of runonwords, so that's always good.
P.S. I found out my work was plagurised on Christmas! That's always fun. 

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

I didn't have anytime to see if my work was plagerized (I can't spell for my life) because I just found out about this incident like 3 hours ago, but I really think the site mods are to blame for this one.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

I have no idea what is going on aside from the fact that I too was plagiarized as was everyone in this group. I would suggest that we all seek individual actions against the sight and and we seek a class action suit against the sight if the issue cannot be resolved. I really hope that it does not come to that though...!

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Wait wait wait.  WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN.  I'm so outta the loop.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

its been going on for like a month or something

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Obviously, we deserve compensation.

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

I agree, We should all be compensated!

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Originally posted by realmwriter
I agree, We should all be compensated!

monetary compensation ftw

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

I just found out about this! What type of person would try to claim someone elses work as their own? 

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

What really ought to happen is that no one except your friends on the account can read it and everyone else is blocked. Cause unless your friend is some evil human pretending to be your friend you won't get your writing copied. I HOPE TO DEATH THAT NO ONE COPIED MY BEST STORY!! 

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Originally posted by [detective] Mayisha
Originally posted by realmwriter
I agree, We should all be compensated!

monetary compensation ftw

ftw? I am well aware of how that question might make me sound...

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Im confused people! Can someone explain what is happening? I was told by a friend that they stole all my work but I didn't see it there. Is it gone??

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

Okay at first i was a little confused to, but to get to the point which isn't a point the point is that runonwords is another writing sight that is being filled with plagarized work and i didn't spell plagarized right so yeah and some of this community's people's writing have been taken and put onto runonwords so yeah 

Re: runonwords theories

13 Years Ago

wait what does mayisha mean by MONETARY compensation monetary is something that like relates to money or currency (i'm basically copying what the dictionary says)