Youth Writers Group : Forum : Let's Popularize Our Writing!!

Let's Popularize Our Writing!!

14 Years Ago

Hey everybody!! I thought we needed a new thread. Anyway... what can be better than a thread that makes your writing more popular, right? Well, here's the deal- I want all of you (or at least some of you) to post your best work of writing. Simple! Post your best story, best poetry, best whatever.   And just to make it more interesting, I'm gonna turn it into a game. I thought people would be a little more interested if it is a game, I don't know what you think, that's just me. So, again, here's the deal. Before you post (if you post) (I hope you post :) ) check out the person's best writing that they posted above you. Then and only then may you post a link to your best writing. Not to bum anyone's joy, there is one rule, don't post multiple times over and over in row to get your writing looked at.
So go get posting!!   To get you started here is my best piece of writing-     This is my best writing. Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget the three R's (no not reduce, reuse, and recycle. Though always remember those too <3 ) Read, rate, and review!!

Re: Let's Popularize Our Writing!!

14 Years Ago