Your Story Well Told: Book Passage March 2024 : Forum : Monika's Story (3/13/24)

Monika's Story (3/13/24)

11 Months Ago

I really like where this story ended up and have some ideas for how to help it get there in a little more linear way!

you end learning - about being scrappy/resourceful as well as the way YOU parent your 3 daughters differently from how you were parented (expecially regarding sex ed) is great.  you have so many great examples of missteps both in your home (lack of) education and school...

the trick is the journey...  laying the breadcrumbs so we get there in a natural and not forced way, but withouth having an expectation of it being/going somewhere else.

the concept of "green" comes through loud and clear and works really well. green as fresh, innocent, hopeful, naive?

i kind of want an opening picture of the girl you were (before we get to the french maid scene).  the aspirational girl who wanted... (something) out of the world/life/etc?

that way, when the french maid constume comes in. we see the the world is sort of conspiring against you -- casting you in a light that is cliched, sexist, and generally inappropriate (but also, narratively, funny)

might try a segue into the sex ed scenes - about how you wanted to learn but didnt have clear teachers or direction.

then go into the fallopian tube scene and the 10th grade sex talk that never happened...

this establishes a pattern/trend that would be nice to have some reflection on.  what were you to do?  what were you feeling?  

I then love the birth scene and the sheer self-determination and independence that scene shows so that when you finally jhave the "why didnt you ever tell me" their answer is both satisfying and a learning for them as well -- they should have!

and best - i loved the end with the lessons you are taking into your role as a mother to girls so they don't have to endure what you did!

great job!
