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what is love???
what is love???11 Years AgoThe mening of lv can nvr b xplained thoroughly since its depth and
ht is beynd our imagination. Every1 has gt their own views on it.4 me
lv is jst nt a word but a world 4 lovers. Smtimes attraction for sme1 is
thought 2 b love bt thre is a vast diffrnce btwn d 2. Attraction 4 sme1
can b 4 a fw days but lv is immortal. Pple say tht if we spend a fw yrs
with d prsn we hate, we strt dvloping a kind of rltnship with dem &
start liking them. Yes ofcorse these can be true and a form of love. No
one can really understand love. It can happen anytime, anywhere and
with anyone unexpectedly. Liking sm1 byond xtreme can be love, it can be
longing for someone we r away. But a question arises here in our
mind,'We like many people in our life, then does it mean that we love
each and everyone of them?'. The answer according to me is "NO" since we
can like many upto an xtreme bt beyond xtreme only a single person.
Love doesn't need a reason and word to be xplained it may be seeing an
imperfect person perfectly, it may be loving someone without the
xpectation to be loved back in return, it may be making someone happy
without caring of one's own happiness, it may be turning impossibilities
into possibilities, it may be a poetry of senses, it may be
understanding someone's silence, it may be caring someone without
showing, it may be believing someone when you cease believing yourself.
Bt these all can only be true if you find true love otherwise its nthing
more than a bullshit. Love is understanding the emotion in someone's
heart rather than xpressn on sme1's face. Nvr ques a prsn why he's in
love. Its the toughest ques evr asked. He might nt ans u bt that dsn't
mean he don't hve d ans its jst bcoz he wnts sme1 to undrstand the
answer behind his silence. Two pple cn nvr be same & that dsn't mean
that they can't be togther. 4 me they form the bst couple since true
love can make their thinking similar to 1 nther. Lv nvr ask u to
sacrifice anything since no 1 dsrvs it bt when u love sm1 truely u make
him dsrving 4 ur sacrifice.