Writing Challenges For Dummies : Forum : Welcome Melissa

Welcome Melissa

17 Years Ago

Hey everyone. Welcome Melissa to the group. In case Melissa doesn't know this group is invite only to keep random people from joining and posting stuff nothing to do with the purpose for the group. Anyway I invited Melissa because I LOVE her story The Large Black Envelope. And thought she might like our challenges we have set up and can come up with some great challenges when it's her turn to do so. So everyone welcome her. She's a great writer.

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17 Years Ago

Hi Melissa!

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17 Years Ago

Thank you! ::biggrin::

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17 Years Ago

Welcome aboard Melissa!

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17 Years Ago

Edward is my favorite character in the Anita Blake books. He really needs his own series.

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17 Years Ago

I agree completely. I can't wait to see if he pops back up in The Harlequin. I missed him in the last one.

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17 Years Ago

He's in the preview of The Harlequin. I just hope he has a major role.

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17 Years Ago

::biggrin:: TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::biggrin::