Writers Cafe Social Hour : Forum : {Sensitive} What are your thou..

{Sensitive} What are your thoughts on utilizing ChatGPT in any form of applications?

1 Year Ago

Dear fellow writers and authors, 

    I wish to open this can of worms to thoroughly address the idea of what you think is the best way to utilize the Artificial Intellectual services in your personal daily operations. Please share your opinions or your thoughts on the matter to the extent that you are comfortable with. 
Personally, I have never got the chance to use ChatGPT for myself nor have I seen it at work yet since I make most of my work and studies on a registered device that forbids uses of AI -- So I wish to hear your thoughts on the matter.
(The best digital automatic help I have is the free version of Grammarly, and that thing gaslights me constantly every time I try to rhyme in my works)

Signed, Leon. 

Kane's thoughts on ChatGPT

1 Year Ago

Please note that anything I express is merely my opinion and my opinion alone. Take it was a grain of salt, and use your best judgement. Anyways, as to my thoughts....

As someone that has worked with the AI a bit, I can safely say that most people don't understand how to use it, or know how to use it the best possible way. It is VERY limited in a sense of memory, and the comprehension is very basic. Most of what it does is copies structures when it tries to write stories or poems. They're very bland, unless you give it specific direction. Even then, unless you're holding its hand the entire way, it's going to struggle. At the very least, it's going to spit out something not really worth reading.

I tried to have this conversation with someone in the past, but I think they might have had a learning disability. Their content was a bit.... something was off. About them, in general. Not in a bad way, but a mental presence was a bit altered. I can't really tell how much they used AI, but they leaned way too much into it. Their worked suffered because of it.

Sadly, many executives think that AI is ready to replace people already, especially writers, but it isn't anywhere close. It lacks the ability to think outside the box. The point being, it isn't able to break the rules, because it doesn't understand how. That's one of the key skills a writer can hone, in my opinion. Understanding writing rules so they can break them, or replace them with something that fits their narrative better.

ChatGPT is very "okay" in what it can do. But it feels people who aren't really skilled in whatever it does. It could rattle off business information to me, and I would assume that it knew what it was talking about. But if I told it to tell me something about writing, I would tilt my head, questioning what the actual F**K it was talking about. But to people who don't really write (or are still very new) they don't understand how to spot what they need to. Seasoned writers can smell AI practically. But the work just comes off as basic, bland, and flat. It's surface level, but some people think that's good work.

That, and it really lacks soul in its work. At best, it can copy another, but never find it's own style. Although it can be useful for simple tasks and questions, it can't be trusted fully. I think the problem is people don't write don't see the problem. It's "good enough" even if it lacks any substance.

Re: {Sensitive} What are your thoughts on utilizing ChatGPT in any form of applications?

1 Year Ago

what is ChatGPT? if you do not mind me asking.

concerning AI in general. i haven't been a fan.
as an artist. i have partially seen what it does in the art world. 

taking other artists' work. combining it to make something 'new' or just altering someone's original design only 10-20% and calling it original.

when someone takes time to make something and it is stollen {to some degree} i have a hard time supporting it.

yes. you can say everything is inspired by something or someone somewhere. so nothing is original. or if it follows the percentage rule it is not stealing. or my favorite is - once it is public or posted it can be used as inspiration for another. that is all AI is doing {agree to disagree.}

because of my artistic differences with AI. i haven't opened that can of worms as a possibility in my writing world.
{but. i am open minded. yet. i will not follow blindly.}