Writer's Cafe Chill,Write,And Talk : Forum : Fave genre of writing?

Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

My fave is haiku, limerick, or romance. What's yours?

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

Stories and poetry

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

usually poetry with some emotion behind it and stories with a suprizing twist or a catching point

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

To write, or to read?

To write, all-ages fantasy.  Nothing makes me grin wider than seeing a six year old buried in a 600 page book they can't put down, and I'd love to add to that magic.

For reading, my absolute favorite genre is humor fantasy/sci-fi . . . "Good Omens" by Gaiman and Pratchett is my favorite book of all time.  Sadly GOOD books of that type are few and far between, so I keep an open mind and try and enjoy a little bit of everything.

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

Definitely romance and fantasy.

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

I love short stories and poetic prose. There is just something about trying to capture emotion and spirit in a limited space.

Re: Fave genre of writing?

11 Years Ago

My favorite genre to read is sci-fi and mystery. My favorite to write is poetry and novellas using voice as the medium.