Write Club : Forum : Introduction

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12 Years Ago

Hey, i thought probably the best intro. to me is to give you a rundown on one of my projects,   Please do the same if you like.     I’m told i may – just simply be weird,   Or have subsequent depression/anxiety   Fullhouse :)   Which had me looking up abnormal psychology,     Which had me looking up bipolar disorder,   Which, in my limited understanding, sounded like experiencing two opposite personalities.   I kind of got interested in creating an opposite of myself: aka male, not so fortunate. An outsider physically and emotionally.    The result is Eucumbene.                                          I’ve found getting characters into the centre light is a little like working with actors where neither of you knows your job –  he’s pretty confused with his own existence at the moment; he has his own story and issues to sort out. I envisioned him as a half Sri-Lankan/Aboriginal Australian, so i’m already in hot water as to how explicit I can be. He suffers abuse from his fascist suburb/society and authority/fstr parents, and gets near to breaking point before he can overcome.   Writing is bones – it’s so bare and rough i could tear it up, and seems to switch between a child’s point of view and a teenager’s, with past, future and present thrown in together, so i’m really just trying to get a genuine voice without panicking too much over plot and technical stuff yet. When i submitted it for school i had to change the racial issues to mental illness and drug abuse. Now i need to find an equilibrium. (oh and domestic violence sneaks in - so i'm biting off a lot but can't seem to help it)   I want to finish because i hope this kid gets somewhere. I hope in the end i have something to say.